Nan's Art Adventures

Join me while I explore watercolor and sketching! I'm new to this, having never thought of myself as "artistic"! (I'm having a blast, as I learn!)

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Location: La Crescenta, Ca

30 years in dentistry lead to early retirement, to be my husband's caregiver. He passed away February 10th, 2008. I am thankful I found art then, as it continues to help me now.

July 19, 2006

Georgia O'Keeffe

In my sketching class we are learning about "fog", which is different from light and shade. It is used to help give your picture some depth and perspective. Georgia O'Keeffe used a lot of "fog" in her many masterpieces. This is my rendering of her magnificent Red Poppy, painted in 1927. She used watercolor, but I used graphite, a "dirty" chamois and a kneaded eraser.
P.S. I am thrilled to welcome my new blog viewers! A lot of you from the EDM group! Sharing my art has brought a new dimension to my newly found passion. Thank you for your comments everyone!


Blogger Linda said...

This is really wonderful! Can you describe "fog" though -- I'm confused! (Not really an unusual situation for me, but still ...)

3:51 PM  
Blogger Nan said...

My teacher describes "Fog" as the air you can see, the atomsphere that is visible. It creates the sense of tilts, lumps, bumps.... as the ruffle effect on the petals, or the folds on a piece of cloth. It can make something feel in front of something else, and so on. It is usually very light, and subtle. It may not be a "technical art term" but it is the word she uses to describe this technique. Hope that helps. Thanks for your commments!

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy,

Your graphite version of the poppy is absolutely stunning! I love the shading and lines. I enjoy looking at other srtisits who do graphite work and you have really got a nice technique.

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed visitng your blog and loved your work - very varied. I too would like to know about "fog."

4:07 PM  
Blogger Ger O'Rourke said...

Beautiful poppy - so delicate and precious.

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't always comment when i look in on your web page but you are doing some wonderful art.

12:47 PM  

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