Nan's Art Adventures

Join me while I explore watercolor and sketching! I'm new to this, having never thought of myself as "artistic"! (I'm having a blast, as I learn!)

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Location: La Crescenta, Ca

30 years in dentistry lead to early retirement, to be my husband's caregiver. He passed away February 10th, 2008. I am thankful I found art then, as it continues to help me now.

July 07, 2006

4th of July

This is the front of the card I made for my brother in law and his wife, two very special people in our life! Their anniversary is on the Fourth of July so I thought it appropriate to use the flag for their card, substituting 26 hearts for the stars, to mark their 26th anniversary! We were at their wedding, and it sure does not feel like 26 years have gone by since then!


Blogger Jane said...

Clever, clever. I LOVE the design on the card. Hope they were fully appreciative, which I'm sure they were. Did you paint right on the card or do the painting and then scan it for the card?

11:24 AM  
Blogger Hazel said...

What a beautiful card, I love the hearts being in place of the stars, and the flag, a symbol of hope, strength, courage, freedom, and so many other meanings that can be applied to a marriage as well.....

9:50 AM  
Blogger Lin said...

DELIGHTFUL and charming sketches!!!! I think making these into cards is a wonderful idea!!!

11:04 AM  
Blogger Blake Himsl Hunter said...

nice card. It's a great design and is carried out extremely well.

6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy, we feel so special to have a card designed and painted just for us in honor of our 26th wedding anniversary. Has it really been more than a quarter of a century?! Your artwork is so beautiful, as are you. You are truly a gentle, generous, soul. I am so lucky, and happy, that brothers Michael and Greg brought us together! Love, Denise

8:29 PM  

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