Nan's Art Adventures

Join me while I explore watercolor and sketching! I'm new to this, having never thought of myself as "artistic"! (I'm having a blast, as I learn!)

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Location: La Crescenta, Ca

30 years in dentistry lead to early retirement, to be my husband's caregiver. He passed away February 10th, 2008. I am thankful I found art then, as it continues to help me now.

January 21, 2007

Santa Rosa Creek

This is my favorite spot on a drive near Cambria that we often take when our English friends come to visit. I chose this scene to for their Christmas painting, and hoped I could do it justice. I was thrilled when Sheila recognized the location within seconds of removing the wrapping paper! That was the ultimate compliment for me! Harvey said it will always take him back to that place in his mind when he looks at the painting. I am thrilled that I was able to put my brush on to a blank white sheet of paper and make this, a person who could only draw a stick figure, with quite a bit of effort! I'm chuffed, as the British say!

January 09, 2007

Pam's Camellia

I enjoyed a day out with my watercolor buddies in October at Descanso Gardens. I sketched this camellia there then added the watercolors later. My plan from the beginning was to make it a Christmas gift for my very dear friend in England, Pam, who does amazing things with flowers in her garden. Pink is her favorite color, so I took the liberty of adding a touch of pink to this flower which was actually all white.

This is the FIRST TIME I HAVE EVER GIVEN MY PAINTINGS AS GIFTS! A trememdous step for me. It is presumptuous to think that someone else might think my painting is good enough to put on their wall! Or even that it would match their home's style! Over the next month I will be posting three more paintings that I gifted this Christmas.